Letter from a soldier (who gave me his uniform)
This war has taught, and will continue to teach me, many things.
Stories of heroism and bravery, side by side with grief and loss,
Pain of the wounded, and soldier camaraderie!
Yet, above all amazing things, it has shown me you!
Jews of the Diaspora, Jews of the world, our brothers!!!
Coming from four corners of the world for one reason –
Your heart knew no rest in foreign lands, your heart was here in Israel.
Putting your own life in danger, an act which many of our own brothers here in our own land have forgotten.
And this, only to bring us a bit of comfort, an encouraging word and a warm hug to us all.
To the soldiers fighting in the front lines against the enemy – terrorists – whose ways darken the human race.
And to the all the citizens declaring – here we will always stay!
This experience of yours has been an enlightening one, may you pass it on to all.
Tell them about your experiences here in Israel, in the shadow of this war and make them understand …
We have no other land! And we are all one people – a people of a repeating past and present.
Thank you from the depths of my heart for your actions and help and for all your amazing work.
Hold our hands and send us hugs from wherever you are.
We need these hugs, and the proof of the strength and unity of our people as a nation.
In conclusion, please remember that our hearts are forever bound together….
Come...visit us, and we would be delighted if you stay here forever - in our amazing Land of Israel – and make it your home.
Gad Even-Zur Officer
Ziev Hospital, Tzfat